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Neuroscan NMR-compatible EEG system

MagLink can be combined with fMRI to perform simultaneous data acquisition for exquisite and accurate recording of high quality EEG/ERP signals, Neuroscan introduces the MagLink system for simultaneous EEG/ERP data acquisition with fMRI.
Contact us for details: 010-53352947

Can be combined with fMRI for simultaneous data acquisition and recording of high quality EEG/ERP signals

Neuroscan introduces the MagLink system for simultaneous EEG/ERP data acquisition with fMRI. This second generation system builds on the original technology by increasing bandwidth and eliminating preamplifiers and optical coupling. This passive transmission MagLink system provides the ability to record EEG/ERP data in a pulse sequence.

The MagLink system uses Neuroscan's amplifiers and has been tested for safety at field strengths of 4 Tesla and high densities. the MagLink system is mounted on the MRI system panel to ensure that no RF noise interference enters the shielded room. Because MagLink is a passive transmission system, no equipment such as power supplies, clocks or converters need to be installed in the shielded room. Therefore, valuable EEG data can be collected while fMRI interference signals are rejected.

Neuroscan's complete EEG/ERP software analysis package, using a new version of SCAN software, provides powerful online and offline capabilities to remove interference such as ECG and pulse artifacts. Post-processing tools also allow ERP studies, source localization analysis using Source and Curry software, and comparisons in an fMRI environment, among other tasks.

The combination of space and time.

Neuroscan has designed a system that can help your lab overcome these challenges.

MagLink electrode cap.

The electrode cap, using carbon fiber cable and internal insulated wire. The electrode cap application system allows for safe and accurate recordings in a very short period of time due to the safety of the subject and the acquisition performance. In order to obtain accurate data in the MRI environment, each electrode is connected with low impedance. magLink electrode caps combined with the "cranial scan" technology guarantee high quality acquisitions in a short time.

MagLink System.

MagLink is a patented, passive carbon fiber transmission system that does not place any unwanted electronics and amplifiers at the magnet perforations to prevent them from disturbing the electromagnetic field. magLink's passive transmission technology is perfectly suited to the MRI environment, allowing the acquisition of EEG EEG data at high sampling rates with full bandwidth while accurately recording artifacts. Using the MagLink system to transmit EEG signals outside the shielded room allows for the application of high quality electronic signals for signal amplification and digitization.

Acquisition and analysis software .


Neuroscan base EEG/ERP analysis and dipole localization software now adds new technology for data acquisition in the MRI environment. SCAN and its associated ToolBox feature applies edge-cutting technology to every EEG data acquired from MRI. In addition as a complete standard acquisition tool, the MRI system includes the following features:

  • EKG detection;
  • Automatic analysis and removal of electrocardiographic spikes;
  • Eye-electric artifact detection;
  • Removal of artifacts using the bipolar conduction method;
  • Removal of artifacts using principal component analysis;
  • Removal of artifacts using independent component analysis methods;
  • Spatial filtering of magnetic field artifacts;
  • Magnetic field artifacts trigger detection;
  • Multi-component spatial filtering .



Neuroscan offers a variety of amplifiers to choose from, each of which can acquire high-quality signals in the rigorous fMRI environment. The conditions for obtaining accurate EEG signals in the MRI environment are: low electrode impedance, very good signal-to-noise ratio, large input range and high common mode rejection ratio. All Neuroscan amplifiers allow signal acquisition with a DC bandwidth, which ensures that the amplifier recovers quickly from a large number of magnetic field artifacts so that the amplifier does not reach saturation. These features are all critical for successful signal recording in MRI systems. Pulse sequence artifacts are a series of interfering signals whose amplitude is much greater than the amplitude of the signal of interest. That said, amplifiers for recording in the fMRI environment also need to be sensitive to the detection of small amplitude signals. 22-bit and 24-bit amplifiers are available from Neuroscan.


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